Wednesday, January 9, 2013

15 Day Blogger Challenge ~ Getting to Know the Blogger ~ Day 12

15 Day blogger Challenge
15 Day Blogger Challenge - Getting to Know the Blogger

This challenge is open to any and everyone who wants to get to know each other a little better in the blogosphere. I encourage you all to make this challenge your own. There is no special format to follow or rules on posting. Do your challenge in 1 day by answering all the questions at once or do it in 90 days. Just have fun!

Challenge Questions:

12. Your top 5 posts and why you think they were successful.

Top 5 Posts

Tied for 1st/2nd:

Neon Star
The Neon Star is one of my favorite digital pieces. I believe that it is a favorite to my followers because of the composition and the bright colorfulness of the symmetrical curving lines.

Mother’s Day Rose
The Mother's Day Rose is a photograph that I took in the home with an Olympus FE-170 digital camera using the macro and stabilization options. I believe this piece is a favorite for my followers because of the pure perfection of the rose and the brilliant pink and white colors.

Tied for 3rd/4th:

Why wouldn't one of Mother Natures paintings be a favorite? I cannot take full credit for this photo, as all I did was point and shoot with my Canon EOS Rebel. I used auto mode for this photo. The atmosphere, sun, and clouds did the rest. It is also one of my favorites because of the brilliant white of the clouds and azure sky framed by the darker ominous clouds looming around the edges.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
I have loved this church since I was a child. The Sacred Hearth Catholic Church in Abilene, Texas is one of the few buildings in town with an authentic Mexican/Spanish style. The brilliant Spanish tiles on the building are, by far, my favorite. I took this photo with my Canon EOS Rebel using a zoom lens.

Tied for 5th:

Deep Shit Cattle Company
I love this photo as well as the story behind the photo. The picture was taken during a bright summer day, July 5, 2012 to be precise. I shot the sign using my Canon EOS Rebel and utilizing an ultraviolet filter. I believe this is a favorite for followers because of the story behind the sign. The cattle company is located outside of Gustine, Texas on Highway 36.

Feeling Musical
Feeling musical is a series of photos I took with various macro lenses and a zoom lens attached to my Canon EOS Rebel. I dimmed the lighting to take the photos. I have always had music in my life and played the clarinet from elementary school through my senior year in high school. I also have dabbled in playing the piano. Although I know where all of the notes are, I do not know how to play very well. I still like to play from time to time though. The rose is a very strong symbol for me and my relationship with my husband, as was the music piece seen in the photos. The music piece is Sleeping Beauty, which is one of my fairy tales. I love the romance in the story and how the prince saves beauty from her long standing nightmare. The rose means so much more. When my husband and I first got together, he bought me a rose at one of the truckstops we visited while I traveled with him across the Midwest in his truck. When I was unable to go on the truck with him, he would always bring me a single rose when he returned home. For our four year anniversary, my husband had a single rose tattoo designed to wrap around my ankle. He told me, "I wanted to give you a rose that would never die."

Different Leaf, Same Tree
"Different Leaf, Same Tree" is a photo and poem combination. I took a photo of the beautiful golden leaves in Abilene. The one golden leaf was so perfect that I wanted it featured in my photo. In order to do that, I had manipulated the photo in Pixelmator on my Mac. The photo inspired the poem. It made me think of what it is like to always be standing in the shadows of a mentally ill sibling. Although we come from the same parents, the same womb, and the same home, we are nothing alike.

Flamingo and Flamingo at Zoo
Both of these photos were taken at the Abilene Zoo at different times. Flamingo was taken on the summer with the zoom on my Canon EOS Rebel. Flamingo at Zoo was taken with my Olympus FE-170. I believe that these two pictures are favorites because of the pure beauty of the two flamingos.

Killer in Black & White
Killer in Black & White was taken at home in the dim hallway of my home using the black and white option on my Canon EOS Rebel. Killer should be a favorite, as he is one of my favorite subjects to shoot. This particular picture shows his pure innocent and sweet personality.

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