Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother Nature's Show

Monday night, Memorial Day, Mother Nature gave us one hell of a show. She sent storms powering their way through the Big Country mixed with heavy winds. The rain blew sideways and the sky was dark. Neighbors rushed around getting their vehicles to the nearest shelter. DJ and I stood outside for as long as we could watching the storm wash the dust from the air and spin bits of paper around and around. Before long, the winds were too strong, and the dust mixed with the rain began to sting, so we had to go inside. Not long after, a knock was on the door of our bedroom where we were changing to dry clothing. Damien said that we needed to come out and see the "brilliant" rainbow. I rushed out of the room dressed in my orange and green tie died sundress. The air smelled clean and the breeze was cool. I snapped off a few shots before rushing back in to get DJ to see what I was seeing.

I had never seen a rainbow shine with such brilliance. The colors that Mother Nature gave us were some of the most vibrant that I have ever seen. The sky changed before us from a blue grey to more brown, to gold, to red. While I photographed the luminous scene, the wind would catch my skirt and toss it through the air; so DJ wrapped his arms around me to keep everyone from seeing my underwear. I photographed each shot in awe.

I moved to get another shot and turned to look at DJ. The sun haloed around his head, and his prodigious smile spread across his face. DJ looked like an angel sent to set my heart free. At this instant, my heart was as warm as the golden colors in the sky.

DJ walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me again, and I continued to shoot in an effort to catch the lightning before us. Snuggled in his warm embrace, I was happy to spend this time with him. I was glad that we were able to share the most beautiful sky and sunset that I have ever seen.

As the sky darkened and the sun set beneath the horizon, DJ and I returned to the warmth of our home. No longer basked in Sol's golden beauty, we waited for more storms to come.

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