Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Part of the Sanatorium, The Stamford Inn, in Stamford, Texas
The Stamford Inn is located in Stamford, Texas 45 miles north of Abilene, Texas. This small town inn has quite a history. It was constructed in 1900. In 1924 a fire destroyed most of the building. A man named, Ernest fell through the floor of the building landing on a water heater while trying to rescue some of the other people who perished in fire. A total of five people lost their lives in the blaze. The fire destroyed the building, and another was constructed on the site. Eventually, the building was turned into a sanatorium/nursing home. Today, the structure is abandoned and has been since the early 1980s. As teens, my brother and I spent many evenings exploring the old building. After being away from the area for over ten years, I was surprised to find the building was still standing. I am hoping to get permission to go in at my own risk and take more pictures.

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